Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

As we get more feedback, we will update this page to improve your experience of the website. Please do email us on for suggestions and any questions you may have and we'll update this page. 

How can I place an order with you?

You can buy through our website, you can call and speak to us about your preferences, visit is us at our Chelsea wine gallery and email us with the details of what you would like to purchase.

Where do we find your shop and why are you located where you are?

Conveniently located in a beautiful, quiet part of Old Church Street, Chelsea very close to the Thames.

We wanted to be off the beaten track as the wines we sell are outstanding and deserve a special trip. We don't want you to feel rushed when making a decision on what to buy as we wouldn't want to be rushed ourselves. Good things come to those who make the effort. Our customers like the discreet nature of our location.

Why is the door to the shop always locked?

It's a valid question. In order to ensure the stock that we hold is secure, we have to keep the door locked at all time which is why we operate a buzzer system. Please press the buzzer and we'll be happy to let you in and show you round the gallery.

How do you ensure the provenance (the history of ownership and good storage) of the wines?

Simply put. We only buy from trusted suppliers be that the producers themselves or companies that meet our strict criteria for looking after wines. 

How do you keep the wines in good condition in the shop?

Another great question. A lot of planning has gone into ensuring the wines are stored in suitable conditions. Wines do not like sunlight (UV), vibration, heat, variable temperature and smells. We therefore keep the shop at a cool 16 - 18°C, have installed thermal blinds to keep the temperature stable and reflect heat and applied UV protective film to the windows to keep UV out.

Do you open the shop outside of your typical opening hours?

Yes, by arrangement, please contact us here.