Average Critics and Value Scores
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Average Critics and Value Scores

Critics Score

Critic scores for fine wine is an informed, if subjective, opinion of fine wine quality. However, such scores are also very influential in terms of demand for, and the price of, fine wine. Rather than use the best critic score to promote our wines, we use a weighted average score, which, while more conservative, we believe is a better representation of quality (according to the critics).

There are and have been various versions, for example the 20 point scale, a five star rating and currently most popular, the 100 point scale. They all have their weaknesses, but they are an unavoidable fact of life and a key factor in consumer decision-making, an evolving trend in most purchases from travel to appliances to restaurants. We use the most popular scale, the 100 point scale.

We choose our wines based on a range of criteria (see how we choose our wines) of which critic scores is just one of those criteria. Rather than simply highlight the best score to promote a wine, our average critic score is calculated from the scores provided by several respected wine critics, who we follow for specific regions. They do not represent all critic scores and, wherever possible, we try and give more weight to more recent reviews. Where appropriate we consider market-based scores like Global Wine Score or Wine Searcher Average scores.

As a rule, we look to offer wines that achieve a 92/100 average critic score or better and frankly a lot of very good wines simply don’t make the cut. As a high-end provider we want to reflect that positioning in the quality of wines we offer. Such wines are only a tiny fraction of those generally on offer in the market. We believe that an average score is a more conservative and representative approach, but it is still subjective and only offered as a guide to our customers, who will (and should) do their own research. We will add individual critic scores to our website in the future. 

Value Score

Because of the ever-increasing cost of fine wine, there is an evolving trend to try and apply some sort of value rating or an index to a given wine. There are various approaches available but these are rarely used and most are not very user friendly. As a result, we have developed our own value score. We use a simple ratio which adjusts our average critic score for the price at which we offer our wine.

For example there are several wine indices, a quality/price ratio (QPR) and points over price (POP), among others. We would not comment on these approaches but we believe our value score is a simple and user friendly methodology. 

As an example, a wine that is priced at £175 and has an average critic score of 96/100, would show a value index of 94/100. As the price goes up the value score goes down. How does this help? For the customer, they have two rather than one measure to inform their decision. For us it helps ensure that we offer our wines at a price that represents (relative) value for money.

Our price lists show both the average critic score as well as the value index for all our wines. As a rule, we do not offer wines below a value index of 90/100 unless they are sufficiently iconic. That said, our value index results in some famous wines not being offered, despite their quality and desirability, because of their price. Finally, our value scorehelps ensure we offer our wines at a price that delivers relative value for money at this price point. As is the case for the average critic score, our value scoreis not definitive and is a guide only to our customers who will (and should) do their own research as to value.